Tips For Preparing For Your Next Move
When you are preparing for a big move, there are numerous things that you must do to ensure that your experience goes as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, there are many people that lack experience with moves, and this can cause them to make errors during this process. If you are finding yourself in this situation, you may benefit from these tips to help you avoid some issues that can make your moving day more complicated than it needs to be.
Pack Your Highly Valuable Items In A Separate Container
Your possessions that are extremely valuable, such as jewelry and artwork, will often have vastly different transportation needs than the rest of your possessions. As a result, you should pack these items separately so that they will be easy for the movers to view. This will allow them to determine whether or not they will need to make special arrangements to keep these items safe during transport.
In addition to keeping these possessions safe, there are insurance requirements that mandate the mover to confirm the existence and condition of claimed highly valuable items. Typically, this process involves little more than the mover visually inspecting the item and taking a picture of it.
Color Code Boxes That Contain Similar Items
When you arrive at your new home, it can be difficult to know what is in each box, and this can cause delays and other issues with unpacking the items you need first. To help you better address this type of problem, you should consider using a color coding system to make it possible for you to easily identify the contents of your boxes without needing to actually open them.
If you opt for this approach, you should consider designating each room's boxes with a unique color that is marked on all sides of the box. Also, you may have some items, such as clothing, that may be divided into different categories. When packing, these should also be divided and marked so that you can easily locate the clothes you will need first. Lastly, make sure that you have a sheet with a reference for the difference colors so that you do not accidentally forget what one of them means.
Preparing your home for a move is a daunting task that will require careful planning on your part. Without a lot of experience with moves, it can be easy for you to make errors that will complicate this process. Having an appreciation of the benefits of keeping your valuable items separate and color coding your boxes should help your move be as smooth and orderly as possible.
Contact a service like Bekins Van Lines Inc for more help.